Adaptive Scheduling of Optimization Algorithms in the Construction of Interpolative Fuzzy Systems

Adaptive Scheduling of Optimization Algorithms in the Construction of Interpolative Fuzzy Systems

The research focused on the application of an adaptive scheduling approach for constructing interpolative fuzzy rule based systems. This is a continuation of our preceding work, where the same approach was used for dense fuzzy rule bases. During the optimization process different optimization algorithms are scheduled according to their respective local efficiency, i.e. according to their convergence speed in various phases of the machine learning process. The scheduled optimization techniques are evolutionary algorithms that have shown efficiency in the construction of interpolative fuzzy rule based systems. Simulations are carried out on standard benchmark sets in order to evaluate the established system and to compare it to fuzzy systems built up by deploying the same optimization techniques without the scheduling approach.

Kutatási beszámoló

Készítették: Balázs Krisztián, doktorjelölt, BME VIK Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék,
Kóczy T. László, egyetemi tanár, BME VIK Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék

2013. február 28.

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