Temperature dependent timing in standard cell designs

This paper proposes a methodology to simulate temperature dependent timing
in standard cell designs. Temperature dependent timing characteristics
are derived from standard delay format (SDF) files that are created
by synthesis tools automatically based on SPICE characterizations. In addition,
a fast calculation of temperatures using the equivalent Foster RC
network is presented. A case study is also presented in this paper where the
temperature dependent frequency variation of a ring oscillator is simulated
demonstrating the necessity of temperature dependent timing simulations.
An adaptively refineable partitioning method for simulating standard cell
designs logi-thermally is proposed as well. This paper also introduces recent
enhancements in the CellTherm logi-thermal simulator developed in the
Department of Electron Devices, BME, Hungary. Finally, the simulation results
are compared and verified with the SPICE compatible ELDO analog
simulator from Mentor Graphics.
Keywords: temperature dependent delays, grid, logi-thermal,
electro-thermal, simulation
Andras Timara,, Marta Rencza,1
aBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Electron Devices,
Magyar tudósok körútja 2, Building Q, section B, 3rd floor, Budapest, Hungary H-1117