Evaluation of Network Function Virtualization Frameworks on Telco Workloads

Network function virtualization is a key to move traditional telco
workloads from costly on-site black-box devices to centralized,
easy-to-manage cloud-like data centers. In order to evaluate how a
virtualized network function performs in such a system, we started the
implementation of a professional benchmarking system called TIPSY and we
implemented and evaluated different telco workloads using TIPSY.

In this document first, we report on the initial progress we achieved with
TIPSY, then we describe an exemplary telco pipeline, the Mobile Gateway
Pipeline, we implemented on top of TIPSY, and finally we briefly overview
some results from an extensive evaluation of this pipeline over the
Berkeley Extensible Software Switch (BESS) and we present the conclusions.

Rétvári Gábor, tud. főmunkatárs, Gulyás András egy. adjunktus, BME-Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék, retvari@tmit.bme.hu, gulyas@tmit.bme.hu

A kutatási beszámoló letölthető innen (PDF)

2018. január 24.