IP forgalomtovábbítási táblák tömörítése

About what is the smallest size we can compress an IP Forwarding Information 
Base (FIB) down to, while still guaranteeing fast lookup? Is there some notion 
of FIB entropy that could serve as a compressibility metric? As an initial 
step in answering these questions, we present a FIB data structure, called 
Multibit Burrows-Wheeler transform (MBW), that is fundamentally pointerless, 
can be built in linear time, guarantees theoretically optimal longest prefix 
match, and compresses to higher-order entropy. Measurements on a Linux 
prototype provide a first glimpse of the applicability of MBW. 
Rétvári Gábor, tudományos munkatárs, Kőrösi Attila, tanszéki mérnök, BME Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék, retvari,korosi@tmit.bme.hu
2013. február 28.