System Level Error Analysis and Handling in Software Defined Networks

The concept of Software Defined Networking clearly simplifies many aspects of networking. The idea of separating the data and control planes in switching devices and opening the control plane to be supervised by a centralized software controller greatly simplifies the definition and deployment of innovative services and also the management of SDN devices.

Parallel to these simplifications SDN makes error analysis and handling more complicated, since complex control functionality results in complex software components. It is highly non-trivial to find causes of errors in such an environment, and requires the combined expertise of a network and a software engineer. The aided or fully automated error analysis in SDNs is therefore an important and open research problem.

The current research objective is to complete a network troubleshooting scenario where our tool is able to process formalized network specifications and based on these, verify if paths in the network work correctly and real time forwarding complies with the formal specification.

Pelle István, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem,

2018. február 4.