URLLC QoE project

This report describes the measurements, data collection and analysis carried out with the help of our data collection system for measuring low-latency services. With our system, we are able to perform standardized and automated measurements in order to assess the quality of a given URLLC service under varying network and radio conditions. Measurements are easily repeatable and reproducible, hence we can examine the correlations between the quality of the given service and the metrics describing the network and radio conditions across multiple identical measurements, minimizing noise and spurious correlations. In the following, we will look at the Jitsi Meet video conferencing service. The videoconferencing service requires low latency and reliable connectivity, as there is very little room for error correction in real-time communication. Changes in network conditions can quickly and drastically affect the service quality. Packet level data and radio data are collected jointly during the measurements, moreover internal logs of the service are utilized to acquire a more accurate picture of the internal operation and thus quality. The structure of the study is as follows: in Section 2, 3, 4 the measurement process is described, where the measurement environment is described, and the performed measurements. The most important correlations, the phenomena and metrics that influence quality of service are detailed in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6 we summarise the main results and make recommendations for the construction of a QoE model.

Dobreff Gergely, Fucskár Patrícia, Gajdos Sándor, Győri Erzsébet, Hoffmann Kálmán, Hollósi Gergely, Kovács Bence, Kovács László, Kunsági László, Küstel Mariann


Támogató: Ericsson