Automated Protocol Reverse Engineering

In recent years, the automated analysis of unknown communication protocols has become a topic of great interest. With the multitudes of new Industrial Control Systems and Internet of Things devices came several under- or undocumented protocols that need to be understood in order to develop firewalls, honeypots, intrusion detection systems, as well as to test the various implementations for vulnerabilities. The aim of this research was to review existing literature, understand the typical approaches, then design and implement a prototype or a protocol analysis tool that is capable of determining the message types used by a given protocol, based on captured network packets.

Ládi Gergő, PhD hallgató, BME-VIK, Hálózati Rendszerek és Szolgáltatások Tanszék
Dr. Holczer Tamás, adjunktus, BME-VIK, Hálózati Rendszerek és Szolgáltatások Tanszék

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2017. december 31.